
go-bitflow-collector is a Go (Golang) tool for collecting time-series data from various sources in high frequency intervals. It uses the github.com/bitflow-stream/go-bitflow library for generating and providing bitflow.Sample instances. The bitflow-collector sub-package provides an executable with the same name. The data collection and other configuration options can be configured through numerous command line flags.

Run bitflow-collector --help for a list of command line flags.

The main source of data is the /proc filesystem on the local Linux machine (although data collection should also work on other platforms in general). Other implemented data sources include the remote API provided by libvirt and the OVSDB protocol offered by Open vSwitch.


  • Install packages: libvirt-dev libpcap-dev
  • Install git and go (at least version 1.11).
  • Make sure $GOPATH is set to some existing directory.
  • Get and install this tool:
go get github.com/bitflow-stream/go-bitflow-collector/bitflow-collector
  • The binary executable bitflow-collector will be compiled to $GOPATH/bin.
  • Add that directory to your $PATH, or copy the executable to a different location.

Installation without PCAP and LIBVIRT

To avoid installing these dependencies, follow above instructions, but change the go get command to the following:

go get -tags "nopcap nolibvirt" github.com/bitflow-stream/go-bitflow-collector/bitflow-collector